
Hi, I'm Duy Nguyen

A Software Developer

About Me


I like challenging myself. Always remind myself to improve and be better. Fluent in C, Java, and JavaScript. Not stopping there, I always look for new things to learn.


Always pay attention to little details. Improve my code to be more efficient.

Languages/ Libraries/ Frameworks

  • C
  • Java
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS/ Less/ Sass
  • JQuery
  • BootStrap
  • NodeJS

Tools I use

These help me with my job and maximize productivity.

Dev Tools

  • Atom
  • Visual Studio
  • IntelliJ
  • Codepen
  • Online Resources
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Github
  • Terminal

My Projects

an app that finds your music

Music Search Engine

A web application that looks for music with the help of Musixmatch API. Type in your key word and choose your search preference, a click you'll get all the information that you need. Built with Bootstrap, JQuery and Musixmatch API.

Responsive Login Form

Responsive Login Form

This login form is fully responsive. I used only CSS instead of Bootstrap to challenge myself.

Word Typing Game

Word Typing Game

A game created with JavaScript. Allowing the user an amount of time to type words matched with the given ones on the screen.

Hover Effect

Layer Effect

I did this project in my free time since I like to mess around with CSS. This Effect is made purely with CSS.

Duy Nguyen Website

My Website

A fully responsive website using BootStrap4. Serving as a Portfolio.

Are you interested?

Let's talk!